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The Silver Tongue

Saturday, February 27, 2016

10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Stanford Perrott Lecture Theatre

Alberta College of Art + Design

Louise Chong

Tucked away in the eclectic neighborhoods of Ramsay and Inglewood is an 

inspiring and diverse collective of over 20 visual artists at the Burns Visual Arts 

Society. Heading up the stairs past walls stapled with vintage exhibition posters 

and faded news clippings, you’ll arrive at Studio 202 and a bright yellow door 

marked by Frida Kahlo and Salvador Dali puppets to welcome you inside.


Here’s where Alberta College of Art + Design graduate (2007) Louise Chong 

loves to come to work in her funky studio that fits like a glove.  With the support 

of major awards (Alberta Craft Council Achievement 2008, Niche Award 2008 

and TDIMM Professional Development 2012), Louise was able to establish her 

studio at the Burns in 2012.  It’s a designer’s dream to have the space to do 

layouts, write up proposals, and exhibit new work and to meet clients in a 

professional setting. And best of all is the ‘maker’s corner’ where creative work 

flow can access efficient work stations and machinery.


Louise’s background in jewellery and metals has played a part in shaping her 

current studio practice as an object designer. This knowledge base has led the 

way to innovative design services and solutions for a wide range of corporate 

and private clients. Selected 2015 exhibitions and corporate commissions include 

Ruberto Ostberg Gallery, Passages Gallery; Pulse Seismic, Mount Royal 

University, Aquatics Canada, and the Vietnamese Canadian Federation. 


Originally from Vancouver, Louise currently lives in Calgary with her husband 

Norrie, daughters Jenna and Leah.

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